Objective of www.mathematic-tuition.com
Prepare your kids for BLE in Nepal (before called District Level Examination). My name is Sujan Sunar and I have a great facility in mathematic since I began school. I always enjoy helping students from all ages to improve their marks in mathematic. My students are ranging from 5th grade to 8th grade. My tuition classes can be taken on skype. Each class last 1h. It's the perfect time to stay focus with your kids.
During this difficult economical situation due to lockdown in Nepal, I want to offer highly mathematic tuition for your kids to an affordable price for Nepali family. The price for tuition in mathematic is 500 Nepalee Rupees per hour per student.
When teaching to kids, escpecially such a difficult matter as mathematic, patience is one of the most important asset a teacher can have. Don't worry about that because "patience" is one of my biggest quality.